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Hand Out (Fisika Dasar II) Materi (7)
Hand Out (Kuliah PLC) Materi (6)
Hand Out (Fisika Dasar II) Materi (6)
Kegiatan PKM di SMK Citra Harapan (Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan)
Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)
Judul PKM :
Tim PKM :
Dosen :
Moranain Mungkin1*, Habib Satria2, Asmah Indrawati 3
Mahasiswa :
- Dian Putra Sarumaha
- Muhammad Ridwan Arrasyd
Tujuan PKM :
Kegiatan PKM yang dilakukan tim Pengabdian dosen dan mahasiswa UMA bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada siswa SMK Citra Harapan tentang renewable energy melalui implementasi secara langsung terkait pengenalan komponen dan instalasi PLTS sistem Off Grid dengan didukung adanya sentuhan alat sehingga siswa dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahamannya secara langsung. Tentu dalam menerapkan hal tersebut maka diperlukan media pendukung yakni sebuah modul trainer PLTS Sistem Off Grid yaitu serangkaian media pembelajaran yang terdiri dari perangkat atau alat peraga praktikum yang digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan praktikum sehingga dapat membantu mempermudah siswa dalam memahami ilmu yang disampaikan.
Adapun tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan ketiga Dosen selaku selaku narasumber kegiatan PKM ini adalah sebagai berikut :
- Pemaparan Materi
Tim PKM menyampaikan materi secara visual seputar renewable energy kepada peserta kegiatan dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab dan memperkenalkan kepada peserta modul trainer PLTS Sistem Off Grid yang berfungsi sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran. Selain itu tim PKM juga menjelaskan kepada peserta alat dan komponen-komponen yang digunakan sebagai sistem pembentuk modul trainer PLTS serta apa saja fungsi dan cara kerjanya. Adapun jumlah peserta yang telah disepakati oleh mitra dengan tim dosen PKM adalah sebanyak 20 peserta yang meliputi siswa sebanyak 19 orang dan guru 1 orang.
- Implementasi PLTS Sistem Off Grid
Setelah pemaparan materi selesai maka dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan inti yaitu implementasi PLTS Sistem Off Grid menggunakan alat bantu modul trainer. Namun sebelum langsung implementasi secara praktikal tim PKM menjelaskan terlebih dahulu standar operasional prosedur (SOP) penggunaan modul trainer tersebut kepada peserta agar peserta memiliki pedoman dan landasan dalam menggunakannya sehingga dengan menggunakan pedoman ini dapat mengantisipasi situasi atau keadaan yang tidak terduga saat melaksanakan pekerjaan. Selain itu dalam tahapan ini tim PKM juga melakukan demonstrasi secara langsung bagaimana sistem kerja PLTS sistem Off Grid serta menunjukkan instalasinya melalui penggunaan modul trainer tersebut.
- Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Untuk mengetahui serta mengukur tingkat kepuasan peserta dalam memahami materi atau ilmu yang diberikan oleh tim PKM maka dilakukan kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi (monev) melalui penyebaran angket kepada peserta. Angket ini berupa kumpulan pertanyaan seputar bagaimana tanggapan peserta dalam memahami seluruh rangkaian kegiatan inti yang telah dilakukan.
- Serah Terima Alat
Setelah seluruh rangkaian kegiatan selesai tahap selanjutnya adalah kegiatan serah terima alat modul trainer PLTS Sistem Off Grid sebagai wujud sumbangan dari UMA kepada pihak SMK Citra Harapan agar mereka dapat melakukan latihan secara terus menerus sehingga mereka jadi mahir dan profesional
Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan melalui dukungan Universitas Medan Area dalam bentuk Hibah Dana Internal Yayasan (DIYA) UMA dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan angket dalam bentuk post-test terkait evaluasi tingkat pemahaman atau kepuasan para peserta yaitu pernyataan yang memberikan setuju sebanyak 75%, pernyataan cukup setuju sebanyak 25%, pernyataan kurang setuju 0% dan sangat tidak tidak setuju adalah 0%. Berdasarkan persentase angket tersebut dapat diperoleh bahwa kegiatan PKM telah terlaksana dengan cukup baik dan berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa secara langsung.
Selanjutnya untuk menambah pengetahuan dan kemampuan siswa secara hard skill perlu dilakukan kembali edukasi terkait PLTS dengan sistem yang berbeda seperti sistem On Grid dan Hybrid dalam bentuk pelatihan secara intensif.
Sebagai akhir kegiatan PKM ini Kepala sekolah SMK Citra Harapan yang diwakilkan oleh Bapak Endar Muda Dongoran, S.Pd selaku Wakil Kepala Sekolah menyampaikan terimakasih banyak kepada tim Dosen PKM yang telah melaksanakan kegiatan ini sehingga dalam rangka mencerdaskan anak bangsa dapat terwujud seiring dengan perkembangan IPTEK khususnya terkait energi terbarukan melalui implementasi Panel Surya. Selain itu bapak wakil kepala sekolah ini juga tidak lupa menyampaikan kepada UMA melalui tim Dosen PKM bahwa merupakan satu kehormatan bagi mereka atas penyelenggaraan kegiatan ini yang ditujukan ke SMK Citra Harapan sebagai mitranya. Dan harapan mereka agar kegiatan ini terus dilakukan dan berkelanjutan agar kompetensi siswa baik secara soft skill maupun hard skill semakin mantap.
Testing Your Automotive Battery
Rechargeable batteries, or Li-Ion batteries as they are also known, are an important part of modern day mobile devices and play a crucial role in providing power for many electronic gadgets. Rechargeable batteries have the ability to store excess energy produced during the use of a cell phone, digital camera or other device. This energy is stored within the battery cells and when the device is recharged the battery’s ability to supply power is restored. This enables devices to work when they are not connected to a source of power.
A Li-Ion battery can lose its charge if it is left on or unplugged for long periods of time, or if the battery is exposed to extremely low levels of voltage. The performance of a Li-Ion battery is dependent upon the amount of voltage it can tolerate before it begins to lose charge. If the battery is not being used frequently, its ability to maintain a full charge will decrease over time, resulting in gradual loss of charge. Batteries are a very complex science, and many factors affect battery performance and capacity. All rechargeable batteries are semiconductor chemistries and have a certain level of memory capability which enables them to retain charge.
A car battery has two different sets of electrodes, called terminals, and each terminal connects to a series of positive and negative leads which are referred to as positive and negative electrodes respectively. When a DC motor, such as a motor to power up the lights, is used as the electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy, which is then transferred to a lead acid battery. The chemical energy is transformed into chemical energy and stored within the battery. In a normal car battery the chemical energy is separated into the positive and negative charges, while the electrical energy remains constant.
A battery must undergo a chemical reaction in order for it to release its stored chemical energy. This chemical reaction is actually a process called electrolysis, in which one plate of the battery contacts a second plate with an opposite charge. The positive and negative poles are separated by a thin membrane called the cathode. When the electricity enters the battery, the cathode separates the positive and negative poles, but only the anode does the actual reaction, releasing the chemical energy.
One common cause of a failed battery is an incorrect charging or discharging sequence. Many consumers mistakenly believe that a low battery power is the result of low voltage. Unfortunately, this is not true and only a current power low (IOS) failure will actually cause IOS. Incorrect charging or discharging will increase the potential for a battery IOS event.
If you are experiencing a problem with your battery, don’t assume that the battery is reaching its usable age or it is experiencing the telltale signs of aging. Before you decide to throw in the towel, determine if the problem lies in your battery capacity, chemical age, or charging or discharge cycles. By performing a self test or getting an auto electrician to perform an examination, you can more accurately pinpoint the problem and get the best solution. In addition, having someone with experience performing charge cycles can help you determine the amount of time the battery will last while maintaining its quality. This can save you hundreds of dollars in vehicle repair bills.
Schottky . diode
Schottky Diode Rectifiers
The Schottky is the world’s first and only solid-state diode. The Schottky is a type of ionic diode but unlike other ionic diodes the Schottky does not use an electrolyte to achieve its high forward voltage. The Schottky is made from a combination of silicon and metal called cadmium. It has a great capacity to produce high voltages but has a poor life span. It is used in many different applications including headlights in cars and lighting in nightclubs and airports.
The Schottky diode is actually known as Schottky isolation diodes or Schottky barrier diodes. The diode has three diodes separated by a small gap. These diodes produce electricity when they are struck by an electric current passing through them. The Schottky rectifier is used for the rectification of AC signals. In its normal operation the diode produces a DC output that can be connected to the power supply.
Schottky rectifiers can be built without the need of modifications to the circuit. There are two basic types of Schottky rectifiers which are the first is the Class A rectifier which is characterized by its heavy duty design and the second is the Class B which is considered to be a more advanced model. The Schottky rectifiers have been used widely across a wide range of applications like automotive, communications, medical, industrial automation, lighting and so on. The Schottky rectifiers are known for their superior performance and are used for heavy duty and long lasting projects.
Schottky is available in several different voltage ratings. The rectifiers manufactured by Schottky are suitable for any type of industry. Whether you are looking for a classroom diy project or a high performance desktop unit, Schottky Diode rectifiers suit all purpose. In addition, Schottky Diode rectifiers are quite economical and come with an easy-to-follow installation manual.
Schottky Diode Rectifiers is offered at various prices. For low-priced models, you can always get it from the nearest electronic store. But if you are looking for a reliable rectifier, you should consider buying it online. Internet stores offer Schottky Diode Rectifiers at competitive prices along with free shipping and handling. They also have several attractive financing options for your ease.
Before selecting the Rectifier, you should decide the wattage you need. As per the requirement, the maximum operating level for the Schottky Diode Rectifier should be decided. It should not be exceeded as this can cause hazardous effects. Moreover, if you can’t find the exact Rectifier you are looking for, you can always ask for a customised or customized Schottky Diode Rectifier.
Laser Diode and electro
Understanding How Laser Diode Lighting is Used
A laser diode is a semiconductor device like a fluorescent lamp, where a diiodide molecule is injected into an electric junction, directly converting electrical current into ultraviolet light. Laser diodes directly emit light, using a small pulse of light to generate lasing conditions in the junction. Lasers may be used in many applications and are being employed for many different manufacturing processes. They are also used in medical imaging to produce instant diagnosis for diseases and surgical operations. The lasers vary in power and in output from higher output level to lower output level; this also affects the energy that they can provide for lasing purposes.
A common type of laser diodes are the active systems, which use one diode to create the light generated. These types of lasers use the exciting beam excitation that occurs during the generation of the light produced, creating high levels of light in the required areas. This type of system typically creates very bright light but the strength of the emitted light may be limited.
The non-active type of laser diode uses a pulse width modulation (PWM) to excite the semiconductor diode that generates a coherent light once it reaches the p-n junction. The current produced by the laser diode is usually high because of the high power level produced. The two types of PWM lasers are polarised and orthogonal frequency modulated. The orthogonal frequency modulates light in the desired directions, while the polarised frequency modifies the direction of the light waves. Orthogonal frequency modulates light that has a wavelength that is shorter than the wavelength of the laser diode. Polarised lasers work in the same manner as polarised ones except that, in the case of polarised lasers, the light is sent through a fibre optic cable instead of a thin metal slide.
Diode lasers are typically used for illumination of medical equipment such as x-ray machines, ultrasound machines, MRI scanners etc. This type of light is also used to stimulate photoresistance which is a resistance to the transmission of light in certain fibers. The term photoresistance denotes the inability of a fiber to transmit light after being stimulated. It is useful in the diagnosis of cancer and other illnesses where the presence of a Photoconductive substance is crucial to identifying the disease.
There are different types of laser diodes and each one has its own benefits and limitations. For example, a bipolar type laser diode needs to be set up in a cold room to ensure the greatest accuracy. On the other hand, an engineered type can be set up almost instantly and eliminates the need for a cold room. A solid-state type can have higher output power than its engineered counterpart but they require an expert installation and the shortest life span. A hybrid type is very useful and combines the best features of both engineered and solid-state types.
With the increase in efficiency and reliability, the use of laser diodes is on the rise in the medical industry. Although they still incur some cost, they provide patients with a much brighter image as compared to ordinary x-ray lights. They are also effective in illuminating fragile tissue such as skin.
Diode Bridge and electro
Diode Bridge Basics
A diode bridge, sometimes called a switching diode bridge or just simply a diode bridge, is a device that combines multiple diodes (or more than one diode) into a single bridge circuit. A diode is used as a control or input element for the electrical current that flows through the bridge. A diode is a semiconductor device that has the positive or negative charge applied to one of its electrons, or positively charged diode, when an electric current is applied across it. A diode is used for this purpose because it can only carry one polarity, either positive or negative. With these two opposite charges, and the current flowing through the circuit, there will be a change in the current when the diode is energized, thus creating a voltage difference between the control and attached terminals.
The diode bridge circuit creates a three-way signal when the polarity of the diode changes. In order to control the output signal, the polarity must be varied from the grounded state to the open state of a partial diode bridge. When the polarity changes, a current is produced by the control as long as the diode bridge produces the desired output. There are many ways to use a diode bridge to control the output signal, including the utilization of an electrical motor to pull the regulated current through a circuit when the polarity is varied, or a mechanical push button to mechanically close the control.
A diode bridge can be built for any desired application by using a wave rectifier, which is a simple but effective method of controlling the voltage across the circuit by the addition of a wave. The basic circuitry of a wave rectifier is a triangle that is negatively or “antidipolar” in its polarity. Attached to the triangle is a base, which must produce a detectable current in response to the motion of the wave. The movement of the wave will generate a voltage in the base that is controlled by the sum of the differences in the valuations of the two sides of the triangle.
Some diodes are placed in the circuit that are biased in a certain phase. The current that the diode bridges will produce will depend on the polarity that the diodes are biased to. An example of such a diode bridge could be a phase Diode Bridge, which will bridge a triode when their value is shifted from the majority position into a minority position. The amount of current will depend on the difference in the values between the bias diodes and the common diode.
Polarity Shifting Waves can produce a three-way output if the polarity shift from majority to minority produces a change in the voltage across the circuit. In order to accomplish this change in voltage, the polarity must be varied sufficiently far enough that the current will not exceed the maximum achievable safe limits. The polarity is shifted so the current will be a combination of positive and negative for each side of the circuit. The result of a three-way diode bridge can be any one of the following: an output current that will operate at whatever rated current is attached; a direct current that will attach to a regulated circuit’s input; or a mixture of the output characteristics.
There are several types of diode bridge that include the forward direction and the neutral direction. A Diode Reverse Bridge will be biased in the forward direction. A Diode Forward Bridge will have both the positive and negative wired in the same way as a normal diode. A Diode Bubble will have the two sides of the diode biased to the same polarity, while a Diode Bubble will also have the opposite polarity to the input side of the circuit.
Laminated Core Inductor
Laminated Core Inductor: A Cost Effective Alternative
The Laminated Core Inductor is the most popular type of electrical inductor. With an external resistance, this type of indicator can be easily used to control the resistance and its polarity. There are various other indicators that are available in the market such as: Inductors made from ceramic, non magnetic material, plastic etc. The most commonly found inductor, in a simple wind up design is the air-tight air cores Inductor. The other air core Inductors are also found, including:
The following figure shows different laminated core inductors. You will find that it produces the maximum energy loss while it is placed in the middle of the circuit. This is due to the air core material. With the help of the above figure, you will get the idea that how the air core inductor can reduce the energy loss in the system.
Due to the presence of high frequency alternating currents, the main advantage of the laminated steel core inductors is to prevent the induction coil to be damaged. Due to this, there is a reduced need for maintenance work in the device. You will find that the main advantage of these indicators is to provide a steady current even if you have applied a great amount of voltage across them. This will help you to cut down the power wastage considerably and you will be able to save the money that you would have spent on the fuel.
However, the main disadvantage of this type of inductance is that they tend to give out a lot of heat which may cause the core to get destroyed at some point of time. The temperature rise in the core due to the high power generated causes the core to expand or to melt. It is important to note that the size of the coil required to generate the required power must be matched with the size of the core.
Another major disadvantage of using the air-core material is that they tend to be costly. You will find that the core material is quite expensive as compared to the other core materials. This is because the air core material costs so much when you consider its cost of manufacturing and the cost of buying the winding.
The best option for you is to use the magnetic field generated by the magnetic field of the earth. As the two magnets are very powerful when placed near each other, you will get a huge current passing through the wire coil. However, the cost factor is more for the magnetic field rather than for the air-core material. Hence, you will find that the Laminated Core Inductor is much better as it offers a cost effective solution. You should make sure that you do not place the laminated core inductor directly onto the surface of the metal core, as this can damage your device.